Evolutionary Somatic Practice

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Somatic means relating to the body. It means including the body and the web of our relationships into what we know about ourselves and how we move in the world.

Somatic means inviting the awareness of our felt-sense experience in the present moment.

Somatic Practice is the practice of attuning to your truth within the cultural and spiritual context of the time that we’re alive in.

And we transform through practice.

When you develop this body awareness, you invite in your innate ability to release trauma and stress.

Because your body remembers—and your capacity to heal grows as you practice.

You might already sense that your body holds an imprint of past experiences and emotions. It also offers a roadmap for healing pain and hurt, and for feeling joy and pleasure. Your body speaks of your early childhood, ancestral lineage, the environment in which you live, culture, systems, and of power, trust, and survival. You hold historical and collective experiences in your body. You are a vital component of the whole.

Your body holds key information about how you move through life, in both challenging and joyous times.

It lets you know which wise strategies you’ve developed to cope and what defenses you learned to protect yourself. When you work with these strategies at the root level, you gain access to your most authentic voice and expression.

“Working with Janna opened necessary space for me to attend to the strangeness, frustration, and delight of an embodied grieving process.”

Because deeper levels of coherence, intelligence, and wholeness are also inherent in your physiology.

And access to this wisdom is evolutionary. Freedom and ease are closer than you think.

Two primary modalities that I work with are:

Core Energetics is a dynamic body-based therapeutic modality—known as an evolutionary processthat bridges body psychotherapy and spiritual development for human evolution. It provides a relational framework to metabolize and integrate the past and present to move toward your most empowered and alive self. In addition to talking, sessions weave breathwork, grounding, occasional touch, and physical techniques to move stagnant energy and awaken consciousness, as you grow both softer and stronger for the world that is, and one to come.

Somatic Experiencing (SE™) aims to resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE helps us release, recover, and become more resilient.

Learn about ways we can work together and reach out for a consultation.