Climate Change & Evolutionary Process

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You care deeply about the earth, you track planetary shifts in your body, and you have your finger on the pulse of why it’s such a wild and humbling time to be alive.

You also long for a space to process and reconnect with your true nature, your most honest truth, and the raw vibrancy of your aliveness.

With someone who not only gets it, but has done the work.

Navigating the world as a sensitive human can be overwhelming.

The urge to disconnect and distract from what’s happening within and around us is often strong and reinforced by dominant culture.

But when we tap into the incredible relational web of interconnectedness that exists in the tapestry of our days, our entire orientation to life shifts.

We move toward more alignment with ourselves, the collective, and the earth—and gently opening to feeling more.

Because as the old story goes, when a threat is in our midst, held emotions living within our internal ecosystem get put on high alert—and how we learn to engage with them determines how we meet everything around us.

“I felt completely at ease and free to explore the depths while Janna held the space for me and gently guided me back out.”

We’re being called to unwind and release fear, stress, and anxiety in the present moment. To nourish and support nervous systems caught in survival patterns that cause us to react rather than respond.

This time asks us to feel more by inviting in our whole and embodied human experience.

We practice inviting our hearts to break open, granting us access to the mystery.

We practice going slow.

We practice leaning into the fullness of our expression, awakening the intelligence of the body and developing radical aliveness in the face of the unknown. We discover ever-expanding dimensions of our love and sorrow for the living world while decolonizing and dismantling the way in which our bodies, hearts, and minds have been shaped by systemic forces.

By shifting patterns and releasing held trauma, we free up space to broaden our capacity to feel, experience, and ground with the time we are alive in. We explore the transformation within—and it impacts the transformation beyond and outside of us.

May we emerge more resilient and whole than ever before.

Get more support and reach out for a consultation.

evolve | attune | nourish